लकड़ी कहे लुहार की , तू मति जारे मोहि |
एक दिन ऐसा होयगा , मई जरौंगी तोही ||
A wood says to a blacksmith that today for the sake of your livelihood you are burning me. One day I will burn you on pyre.
ज्ञान रतन का जतानकर , माटि का संसार|
आय कबीर फिर गया , फीका है संसार ||
One should care for the gem of knowledge. The mundane existence is worthless. Kabir has turned his back on the world as the world is livid.
रिद्धि सिद्धि मांगूं नहीं , माँगू तुम पी यह |
निशिदिन दर्शन साधू को , प्रभु कबीर कहू देह ||
Kabir is not asking God for material wealth. He is asking favor of having a good person in his sight forever.
न गुरु मिल्या ना सिष भय , लालच खेल्या डाव |
दुनयू बड़े धार में , छधी पाथर की नाव ||
Those who are driven by greed lose their status of disciple and preceptor. Both of them sink midstream as they boarded a boat of stone.
कबीर सतगुर ना मिल्या , रही अधूरी सीश |
स्वांग जाति का पहरी कर , घरी घरी मांगे भीष ||
Those who don’t find a good preceptor ever gain an incomplete knowledge. They wear robes of a recluse and beg door to door.
यह तन विष की बेलरी , गुरु अमृत की खान |
सीस दिए जो गुरु मिले , तो भी सस्ता जान ||
This body is a bag of poison. The preceptor is a mine of nectar. If you get a preceptor by sacrificing your head, that should be a cheap deal.
साईं आगे सांच है , साईं सांच सुहाय |
चाहे बोले केस रख , चाहे घौत मुंडाय ||
God sees truth. God likes truth. One may grow long hair or may shave all hair.
राम बुलावा भेजिया , दिया कबीरा रोय |
जो सुख साधू संग में , सो बैकुंठ न होय ||
Ram is calling Kabir. Kabir is weeping. Kabir has more regard for association with good people than association with God.
साहेब तेरी साहिबी , सब घट रही समाय |
ज्यो मेहंदी के पात में , लाली राखी न जाय ||
My Master, your mastery is there in all beings. In the same way as redness is there in Henna.
संगती सो सुख उपजे , कुसंगति सो दुःख होय |
कह कबीर तह जाइए , साधू संग जहा होय ||
A good association creates happiness and an evil one creates misery. One should always be amidst good people.